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Welcome to my Blog!!!

Share Information. Increase Awareness. Unite People.

That is the purpose and goal of The Health Wave website, Facebook page and me personally. It is who I have come to be. So, in order to fulfill that goal, it only seemed natural to start a blog.  This is it!!!

Welcome!!  And please feel free to invite other like-minded souls to join us!!  I also welcome those who are not yet like-minded, but that possess an open mind and are willing to join in the conversation.  Not everyone has to agree, but just as I tell my therapy clients… their job  is to be respectful, responsible and fun to be around.  I think that is very fitting for here as well.

I don’t have a problem with differences of opinion, in fact I encourage that!!!  Openness, conversation and discussion are among the hallmarks of a free society.  Let’s thrive in that environment.

My goal, is to change the health of our nation and eventually the world.  I know… that’s a bit ambitious and very broad.  And 10 years ago, I would have told you that you were crazy if you said that is where I would be today. Back then, my four basic food groups were canned, boxed, frozen and take out. I drank 8 to 10 cans of diet coke a day, every day.  More if I was stressed. Breakfast consisted of two slices of toast with peanut butter piled on top that I ate on the way to drop Sydney off at school on my way to work. I’ve been a single mom for 29 of the 33 years I’ve been a mom, and fortunately I was blessed with great genetic material from my parents.  I was rarely sick, used to say I didn’t have the luxury of illness because being self-employed, I couldn’t afford not to be seeing clients just because of a sniffle or two.  When I had my hysterectomy in 2012, I was back in the office in a week.  I come from good, strong, stock, and I am very grateful for that.

But then, around age 50, I started having trouble sleeping at night. I didn’t think much of it at first. I didn’t seem to have trouble falling asleep, but if I woke up during the night, it was a while before I would fall back to sleep.  It didn’t happen every night, at first, but over time it gradually got worse and worse, more and more consistent.  I started sleeping in two hour chunks of time. It was really weird. I’d fall asleep when I went to bed, but then two hours later, it was like an alarm clock went off and I was wide awake.  Then I’d lay in bed for anywhere from ten minutes to 3 hours until I fell asleep for another two hour chunk.  Not fun!!!  I went from getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night, down to an average of 4 to 5 hours a night. I was always tired, and I knew my memory wasn’t what it used to be, in fact I found myself constantly deferring to my daughter when she would say, “mom, remember I told you…”  Now, I know she took advantage of this situation at times, but she’s a good kid so I didn’t worry about it.

Fortunately for me, I was introduced to the Bemer, a bio-electro-magnetic energy regulator.  It’s a medical device made in Germany.  It had a patented sleep program so I invested the money, knowing that sleep deprivation is tied to dementia and I couldn’t take the risk of continuing on the path I was on.  My mental health and well-being was too important to me for that. As  a consequence of buying the Bemer, I started studying You Tube videos first about the Bemer, and then it branched into other areas of health.  That’s how I learned of Dr. Zach Bush.  He is the one that lit the fire inside of me.  I’ve never met him.  But what he had to say, and how he said it, put so many things in perspective for me.  As I recovered my sleep through the Bemer and improving my diet which had  impacted my hormone levels, I became aware of how seriously I had actually been impacted by my loss of sleep.  I had been in a state of depression and hadn’t even realized it.  It had happened so gradually that I just slid into it.  My memory was terrible, my energy level was non-existent, it was a struggle to get out of bed each day. And I hadn’t even been aware enough of it to acknowledge it!!!! 

As I was listening to more and more health based you tube programs, I made a startling discovery.  Our population is going through exactly what I went through, but on a much larger scale.  We have declined so gradually into a state of chronic illness that we don’t even realize how bad it is!!!  And we won’t realize it until conditions improve!!!

Some of the statistics that mortified me, working as I do with children… in 1975, 1 in 5,000 children had autism. Today, it’s 1 in 36.  If we continue to decline at this current rate, by 2035, 15 years from now, it will be 1 in 2.  Society as we know it, will be over.  In 1964, 4% of the entire population of the US had a chronic health condition.  Today, 54% of our CHILDREN suffer with chronic illness – allergies, asthma, autism, ADHD, and that’s just the “a’s”.  What is going on here!!!  And how have we let it get to this point???  And most importantly, what are we willing to do to change the current situation???

That is what this blog is all about. Making people aware of what is happening right before their very eyes.  Educating people about why it is happening, causes and possible influences encouraging the status quo. And finally uniting people to ban together and create the change necessary to heal our society from the chronic health crisis that we currently face that so few people are aware of or talking about.  By increasing awareness, educating ourselves and joining together, we can change our world for the coming generations.  If we don’t, I hate to think of what will happen!!! Join me in creating The Health Wave, a tsunami to wash over and heal our society!!!!